Our vision
Working together to make Lincolnshire the safest place to live, work, and visit.
Our aims
- Stop crime and anti-social behaviour
- Protect from harm
- Help those in need
Our priorities
1. Building confidence in policing
Areas of focus:
- Ensuring our Neighbourhood Policing is effective, engages creatively with communities and solves problems.
- Take a proactive approach to prevention, working in partnership, to ensure fewer victims, fewer offences and less demand on policing.
- Maximising our visibility and two-way communication with the public through proactive public relations.
- Enabling a representative, inclusive and supportive force that recognises, respects and understands the differences and needs of individuals and communities.
- Identify opportunities for collaborating within policing and with Lincolnshire partners, focusing on preventing harm.
- Continue to focus on rural crime and the prevention of harm to rural communities; frequently sharing updates and results.
- Expand the numbers and capabilities of policing volunteers, to maximise their contribution to policing and our connections with communities.
- To be graded as outstanding for Legitimacy by HMICFRS in 3 years.
2. Delivering a thoughtful and effective service
Areas of Focus:
- Improving our investigation capacity and quality to reach the right outcome in a timely manner.
- Ensuring effective offender management to bring perpetrators to justice and reduce the risk of harm.
- Providing excellent victim communication, care and support to build trust and confidence.
- Invest in front-line leaders, raising standards of supervisory oversight and the quality of operational delivery.
- Dealing with demand right first time; supported by technology that enables better decisions and increased efficiency.
- Introducing a series of operational initiatives to target high risk crimes as well as community issues that matter to the public.
- Delivery of the ‘Every Contact Counts’ initiative to promote a thoughtful approach to policing.
3. Developing an inspirational culture and rapidly improving organisation
Areas of Focus:
- Build a leadership culture that is founded on the three principles of ‘genuine support, clarity of direction and high expectation’.
- Embark on leadership development programmes for officers and staff, supported by the Chief Constable, that focus on clarifying priorities, enhancing culture & teamwork and promoting investment and problem-solving initiatives.
- Ensure a robust and supportive PDR that links force priorities, individual development, and healthy accountability for quality service delivery.
- Refreshed approach to formal and informal ways of celebrating success, ensuring everyone is acknowledged for the great work that they do.
- Ensuring a healthy, happy & engaged workforce by investing in staff wellbeing and promoting Lincolnshire Police as an employer of choice.
- Invest in attracting and developing skills for future policing requirements, utilising internship and apprenticeship programmes and by working with external education & development providers.
- Generate a productivity fund, to allow investment in initiatives identified by staff across the force, that promote productivity, efficiency, and enhanced performance.
- Rapidly transform our approach to digital policing, investing in technology to give greater insights into data, better manage demand and dramatically improve productivity.
- Better utilisation of business intelligence to allow effective performance management.
- Accelerate preparation for HMICFRS PEEL Inspection in 2024.
4. Securing fairer and sustainable funding
Areas of Focus:
- Refresh our evidence (with academic vigour and independence) to demonstrate and quantify the structural underfunding of Lincolnshire Police, compared to forces across England and Wales.
- Formulating a considered approach to identify savings requirements to balance the budget against the mediumterm financial plan; articulate the implications for service delivery and likely impact on HMICFRS requirements.
- Working with the OPCC to embark on the future lobbying of the Home Office and Government for the funding formula review and/or a fair settlement for the delivery of policing to Lincolnshire communities.
Making Lincolnshire Safe Annual Plan
Our force vision and ambition, priorities and aims are set out in our Making Lincolnshire Safe Annual Plan. It also gives details relating to finance, staff numbers, and outlines the key deliverables for the year ahead.
In his foreword, Chief Constable Paul Gibson said:
"It is a privilege to serve our diverse and vibrant communities in Lincolnshire as Chief Constable and I do not underestimate the responsibility that comes with it.
My ambition for policing in the county is to create an outstanding local police service, that is passionate about serving the public, caring for its people, and constantly improving how it protects our communities; working in partnership to secure a safe and resilient Lincolnshire. This dynamic annual plan for policing, which will be delivered in collaboration with the PCC, sets the roadmap for that, showing how we intend to deliver an effective and efficient police service that responds to the needs of communities while simultaneously delivering the best possible value for money.
I believe that if we get the foundations right and focus on supporting our staff, giving them clear direction and clarity about what is expected of them, we will deliver an exceptional standard of policing in Lincolnshire."
Chief Constable Paul Gibson
Download the full plan below or read the Making Lincolnshire Safe Force Strategy 2024-25 HTML version